Today is not just another day

Today is not just another day. Today is one more day in your life, and each of those days is precious. Today is one more day to revel in the glorious, messy, often confusing experience that is your life. Today is one more day to participate in all it has to offer. Today is one more opportunity to create a better, brighter world for you and for everyone. Today is one more day to shine.

I am a storyteller, poet, author and spiritual adventurer. You can find out more about me and my books on my author website at


Be love

Your role, the role of every light bringer and way shower on the planet, is to hold love supreme. To keep it vibrating so powerfully within your own being that there is room for nothing else. Shine your light ever more brightly and spread this love out into the world with your every thought, word and deed. Spread this love out through your very beingness, which is the essence of love. You will change more hearts and minds through living this truth, through being a living, breathing example of it, than all the teachings that can ever be told will do.

I am an author and spiritual adventurer. You can find out more information about me and my books from my website at


I AM: The pure energy of spirit, expressed in physical form. All that I need and desire already exists within me. All that has ever been, is, or will be, already exists within me.

I AM: You. And You. And You. As you are me. I AM the cloud on the sky and the shark in the ocean. The mountain and the forest. There is nothing that I AM not.

And so, if all I desire already exists within me, my work cannot be to create it but merely to draw it forth, to allow its unhindered passage into the physical world.

I am a storyteller, poet, author and spiritual adventurer. You can find out more about me and my books on my author website at


Are you a ‘Spiritual person’?

Recently I’ve come across a good few posts on social media that have at their core one of my big button-pushers – people touting their status as a ‘spiritual person’ as a badge of honour, and frequently of superiority.

Um… Get over yourselves, guys. Because the fundamental truth is that we are all ‘spiritual people’, even those who don’t recognise it. We are all pure spirit, come down here into this physical flesh and bone suit, to experience human existence. We are all pure souls, born of divine light and love.  Yes, even those who commit all kinds of hideous atrocities. Their thoughts, words and deeds come from corrupting events and experiences in their human existence, not from their Source.

Some of us may be more aware of our true nature than the majority of men, woman and children on this Earth we inhabit. That doesn’t make us better, higher status or more evolved beings. It makes us more aware, that’s all. Any other belief is our Ego coming out to play.

Rant over!

We are all on this journey of awakening awareness, as were all those who have gone before us, and as will be all those who are to come. There will always be those ahead of us on the road, and those behind. None are better than we are, none lesser. They are simply further, or not so far along, in their journey. When we walk down the High Street on a Saturday morning, do we consider those walking in front of us to be more evolved than we are, and those following us less so? When we are at school, are those in the year above us more worthy and valuable than we are, simply because they have learned more? Are those in the year below less worthy and valuable? Of course not. So it is on the path of spiritual understanding.

Yet those behind us on the road do not need a teacher, as we do not. They need a friend to walk beside them hand in hand as they find their own way, a friend who will encourage them when they hesitate and steady them when they stumble. And those who walk with them have their own friends, who walk further ahead, to guide and support them in the same way. And so it is, ahead and behind, as we walk the infinite pathways of understanding and truth.

My purpose in this lifetime is to be that friend, to support and encourage those who wish to increase their spiritual understanding and awareness and to step into their fullest light and power through the workshops and healing I facilitate. I also write inspirational fiction and non-fiction.

To enquire about working with me one-to-one, and to find out where and when I’ll be running my next courses, visit my website at

I am a storyteller, poet, author and spiritual adventurer. You can find out more about me and my books on my author website at



What we have forgotten…

Once upon a time, before we entered our flesh and bone body to be born into and experience this physical existence we call life, we knew many, many things:
– We knew that we are always connected to Source (or All That Is, or God, or the Universe, or however else you care to name it) and that, no matter what we do, this connection cannot be broken. We are Source and Source is us.
– We knew that Source is everywhere and always, and that everything that exists is a creation of Source.
– We knew that everything created by Source (which is everything) is perfect, whole and sacred – and this includes ourselves.
– We knew that Source is infinitely loving and creative and that, no matter what happens, we are safe and loved.
– We knew that, whilst we are all unique individuals, each of us is connected to each and every other one of us. We knew that each individual ‘me’ is an integral part of the magnificent whole.
– We knew that life is our choice, our decision to experience a physical existence with all its emotions, contrasts and sensations.
– We knew that, as part of this game of life, we would create every experience, everything we desire. through our preferences, thoughts and feelings.
– And we knew that, as each one of us is a part of the whole that is Source, we each possess the love, power and creativity of Source and can use it in exactly the same way.

This knowledge, that once we knew and have long forgotten, created the glorious shimmering wings that came with us as we entered this physical world. We were filled with unlimited potential, bursting with excitement and anticipation at this wonderful adventure. Our wings would enable us to fly to the highest heights, to reach our fullest potential, and to achieve all our heartfelt dreams and desires.

We all come into this world equipped with these beautiful, shining, all-powerful wings. As babies they are always with us, unfurled and ready to carry us forward. As babies, the world is our oyster. We live in joy, fully in the present, slowly getting used to this marvellous physical existence. Yet as we emerge from infancy, slowly, little by little, we become more and more distanced from our True Self and our wings glow less brightly. We begin to forget who we are and where we have come from. We forget why we are here.

The outside world, the ‘reality’ in which we live, starts to bind our wings and our knowing. Our parents, our teachers, our societies and cultures bombard us with their truths, so different from those we have brought with us, which they have long since forgotten. And we absorb these messages. We come to see our heart-known truths as wrong. We conform to others’ demands and expectations. We see ourselves as at the mercy of nature, other people or events. Perhaps even worse, we may believe we are being watched, judged and punished by God.

We grow up taking in these sorts of messages daily. Perhaps we learn that we are mere pawns in the hands of fate and cannot do anything to change our lot. Or that the world is a dangerous place to be and that it isn’t safe to stand out, to be different, to take risks. Or that, no matter what we do, we cannot change our destiny. We come to see ourselves as powerless. Perhaps there are some things we can change but when it comes to the serious stuff – don’t even think about it! Our wings slowly fade and become invisible. By the time we are teenagers they are just a distant memory, and by adulthood most of us have forgotten their existence.

We forget our dreams – or at best sit them on a high shelf to look at and dust now and again, to sigh over and believe impossible. We forget who we truly are and what life is for. We become locked in a world based on other people’s experiences and expectations of reality rather than our own, realities based primarily on fear, guilt and struggle. We forget that love is all that is really real. We remain caterpillars, crawling on the ground while gazing at the glorious skies above and wishing we could fly free, forgetting those perfect wings that would allow us to do so.

Taken from the introduction of my book Forgotten Wings (O-Books, 2010; ISBN 978-1-84694-353-9). Find out more at

I am a storyteller, poet, author and spiritual adventurer. You can find out more about me and my books on my website at

or visit the Soul R-Evolution website at


A Solstice message

Solstice blessings.

The shortest day. A time to go within, rest and reflect; to review the past twelve months and plan for the next. When it often feels that time itself has paused. The images that came to me in my meditation this morning echoed that energy.

I was standing on top of a huge tidal wave that hung motionless in the air. Movement paused. Waiting for the moment when it would surge forward, carrying me with it. I sensed that once that happened, we would hurtle forward at an unimaginable speed. I understood that 2018 will be a year of massive changes on both a personal and global level and that this period is the calm before the storm. This winter solstice season, more than any that has gone before is one for us to rest and prepare for the year to come.

I am a storyteller, poet, author and spiritual adventurer. You can find out more about me and my books on my author website at




What If…?

What if, today, you stood up and ROARED? Came out of that corner where you have been hiding for so long from the scowls and disapproval of those who would rather you stayed small?

What if, today, you stood up and ROARED? Came out of that corner where you have been hiding for so long from the scowls and disapproval of those who would rather you stayed small?

What if, today, you stopped telling yourself that you have nothing to offer the world and instead decided to see the wonder of the gifts you bring, just by being you?

What if, today, you stopped telling yourself ‘I can’t’ and instead decided to say ‘I can’?

What if, today, you left behind the jeans and jumper that blends you in so well with everyone else, and instead put on that dress – you know, the one that makes you feel unstoppable – and stepped out into the world with your head held high?

What if, today, you stopped playing small and instead recognised your magnificence and grace?

What if you decided that today is the day you will stand up, stand out and SHINE?

I am a storyteller, poet, author and spiritual adventurer. You can find out more about me and my books on my author website at